Raising A Strong Community Of Leaders To Nurture Growth

When Zac Huang joined the real estate industry 13 years ago, his main motivation was the monetary rewards that awaited him should he work hard.

He also had friends who joined the industry with him as they had known each other from school and the army, and trust was already established. “Some are still with me till today,” said Zac.

As soon as he could, Zac started building a team due to his strong advocacy for team building and leadership.

Currently an Executive Group Division Director at ERA Realty Network Private Limited Singapore, Zac leads a team of more than 500 agents. But what matters most to him is raising good leaders and setting them up for success.

“Real estate has been a very rewarding and fulfilling job. Not only can I do sales, I can also do management, work with developers and ERA. So I am exposed to different people and am able to help them do well and achieve more success in their lives.”

A holistic leadership

Always encouraging his agents to step up, Zac believes that growth is important for one to succeed and become a better version of themselves. At the same time, growth is never meant to be done alone.

“It is the generosity of leaders that will encourage others to step up and the growth of the team will come naturally.”

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In the aspect of stepping up, Marie Lam, Division Director at ERA has been a positive recipient of Zac’s outstanding leadership, allowing her to grow and develop in areas she never expected.

“Before joining Zac, I was only fixated on achieving my sales number. But after a while, I started looking for fulfillment in other aspects,” said Marie.

When Marie first joined, the group had a mixture of new, experienced and non-active agents. With the support from Zac, she has been given platforms to train the different groups of agents, addressing different needs and wants.

All these in hopes for them to reconnect, build relationships and work towards personal goals.

Marie also makes a conscientious effort to get to know her agents and leaders in hopes to better value add to their career progression.

“When I engage with the agents, I get to know what their thoughts and concerns are. This way, I am able to understand them and provide advice that will be more effective.”

Two years later, Marie’s growth has been exponential as the opportunities and exposure given by Zac allowed her to be confident and step up as a leader.

“Because of her contributions in the past two years, the company acknowledges her presence and made her the Chief Facilitator for two signature programmes in ERA –

Ultimate Leadership Warrior Camp (ULWC), Ultimate Sales Warrior Camp (USWC),” said Zac.

“This is extremely commendable because not only does she contribute to the group, but also to the company,” he added.

To Marie, her achievements thus far would not have been possible without the strong and consistent support from Zac. “He has shown me that in this industry, that being a leader is about helping others rise up.”

“I am thus able to push myself to achieve greater heights, knowing that I can leverage on the group’s strengths, talents, unity and value add to all the agents who have the strong desire to do well,” Marie added.

“We are looking to grow a bigger team through recruitment and further strengthen the faithful ones who have been with us.”

Moving forward together, as a team

Whenever ERA hosts training camps, where Zac and Marie are involved as key appointment holders, they would see leaders from ERA Asia Pacific fly down just for the camp and bring their agents along with them.

“It is touching to know that our Asia Pacific counterparts fork out their own money to glean into what we have to share and benefit from it, so that they can return back home to share with their team,” said Marie.

“The camp has seen many agents receive breakthroughs in sales and their personal lives.”

Open about his leadership skills and love for people, Zac is always ready to groom leaders as long as they are driven and have the desire to do well.

“Being a leader is a long-term commitment and it takes time. But I will be more than happy to groom more leaders, helping them realise their full potential,” said Zac.

Both Zac and Marie are dedicated to helping their agents and leaders achieve greatness in their careers, encouraging digital marketing and grooming them to be consultants in property wealth creation.

“Agents need to communicate in person to observe the non-verbal cues, and build their confidence in communicating with property seekers,” said Marie.

“Being adept in both will balance things out, and acts as a bridge to go one step further.”

ERA Apac’s 2021 goal is to reach 20,000 agents, and with impeccable leadership from Zac and Marie, PropertyGuru sure looks forward to a future of possibilities, together.

Thanks Zac and Marie, for sharing your journey to success with PropertyGuru!

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