When and Where to Focus Your Listings in September

August has been a relatively good month so far!

Not only did we celebrate our nation’s 55th birthday, we also experienced a steady decrease in number of COVID-19 cases reported daily.

Fingers crossed; let’s hope things keep improving this way!

Now let’s look at how your property seekers were in the month of August on PropertyGuru. Last month, they were most active on Monday, between 12PM-3PM. With all these changes still happening in our everyday lives and more people returning to their offices for work, let’s see if anything has changed!

When to Focus Your Listings

Latest property seekers’ behaviour has been intriguing so far…

If we look back in the past 3 months (from our June, July and August editions), their behaviour happened in a linear manner. Meaning that if their number of visits spiked on Mondays, their visits took a gradual decrease over the week and started increasing again over Saturday and Sunday.

However, the latest data over August 2020 shows a daily fluctuation, with searches going up and down on alternate days.

Tuesday has taken the crown this month, with Monday following relatively closely behind. Friday remains as the day with the lowest traffic these few months, which makes sense, with Singaporeans going out and enjoying their ‘re-found’ freedom (whilst respecting social distancing and limitations to group size).

When and Where Sep 2020_01

Although property seekers’ visits over the days differed quite dramatically, the timings of their visits remain consistent – with traffic picking up from 8AM onwards then peaking at 12PM-3PM and slowly tapering off through the day.

When and Where Sep 2020_02

Where to Focus Your Listings?

Last month, Serangoon/Thomson (D19-20) won all over districts but our latest findings have taken a flip with City & South West (D01-08) surpassing all other districts significantly and Orchard/Holland (D09-10) in second place.

Changi/Pasir Ris (D17-18) continues to have the lowest number of searches.

The most noticeable change we can see is the significant drop in interest in North (D25-28) and West (D22-24).

When and Where Sep 2020_03

In a nutshell, while it seems that our COVID-19 situation in Singapore has been steadily calming down over August; our property seekers visits are gaining traction and going through even more changes.

Stay tuned for our next edition!

#GuruCares #SGunited #PGStandByYou

– PropertyGuru Team

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