All About Featured Agent
And its improved booking journey!
What is Featured Agent?
Featured Agent is a Premium Feature that gives you exclusive visibility for your valued listings.
By booking a Featured Agent slot, it guarantees that your selected listing is pinned as one of the top spots in specific search results, above all Turbo, Boost, Spotlight and Repost, and Regular listings. It will remain there 24/7 for the duration of your booking.
Your listing tile will also:
Be labelled exclusively with “Featured Agent”
Have an extra-large upsize on desktop image carousel and cover photo
Have your profile and contact details prominently displayed
Have a Contact Agent Button on search results
Featured Agent will be booked using Prime Credits.

What are the different types of Featured Agent?
Take your pick from our array of Featured Agents. Regardless of the property type you choose to focus on, you will surely be able to find one that suits your specialization.
Each type of Featured Agent is exclusively limited to only 7 slots per Condo Project / HDB Estate / District / Building / Page.

*Landed, Luxury and Expat Featured Agent is limited to 3 slots displayed on rotation for each category upon refreshing of the search.
What are the changes made to Featured Agent from 03 Jan 2022?
Featured Agent will now be booked using Prime Credits. You will also now be able to Book, Reserve, or Extend a Featured Agent slot on AgentNet Web conveniently anytime with our new and enhanced journey!

What are the benefits of the Featured Agent booking process?
This improved journey seeks to deliver the essence of convenience for you.
Prime Credits: Featured Agent now uses Prime Credits, a new form of Credit that will offer you the freedom to book any type of Featured Agent
Catalogue on AgentNet: Easily browse and select what is available at your fingertips
Check Status of Your Bookings: Make pre-informed decisions to extend expiring bookings or explore other projects / locations
Notifications: Be informed on-the-go whenever a slot is available, activated, available for extension, or about to expire
Flexibility: Book Featured Agent slots starting from just 30 days
24/7: Do this all in the flexibility of your own time
How many Prime Credits do I need to book a Featured Agent slot?
The number of Prime Credits needed to Book, Reserve, or Extend a Featured Agent slot will be calculated by Optimus algorithm, which takes into account competition and listing supply by property type, location, project and more.
This means the Prime Credits required changes with market conditions, to deliver maximum value for each listing.
To know how many Prime Credits are required for a Featured Agent slot, you can simply:
From AgentNet Web:
Click on the Featured Agent tab on your AgentNet Dashboard
Search for any Project / Estate
The Prime Credits required to book a minimum of 30 days will be displayed in each tile

From AgentNet Mobile App:
Tap on the Featured tab on your AgentNet Dashboard
Search for any Project / Estate (Note: Booking of Featured Agent for new condo projects and new commercial projects can only be done through AgentNet Web in the interim, until Phase 3.1 is launched)
The Prime Credits required to book a minimum of 30 days will be displayed in each tile
Can I use Ad Credits or Cash to book Featured Agent slots?
You will only be able to book Featured Agent slots using Prime Credits. You can purchase Prime Credits from any of our friendly Account Managers.
How do I book a Featured Agent slot?
You can easily book a Featured Agent slot on AgentNet Web or AgentNet Mobile App. (Note: Booking of Featured Agent for new condo projects and new commercial projects can only be done through AgentNet Web in the interim, until Phase 3.1 is launched)
Select the Featured Agent tab on the top navigation bar of your AgentNet Dashboard
Search for any Project / Estate, or browse from the different category tabs
If slots are available, you can simply click on Book Now

Refer here for more information on how to Book, Reserve, or Extend Featured Agent slots. You can also learn about staying notified on-the-go when a slot is available for booking!
Have long can I book a Featured Agent slot for?
You will be able to book a Featured Agent slot for a duration of 30 days, 90 days or 180 days each time using Prime Credits.
You will also be able to extend the duration of your booking thereafter.
Refer here for more information on how to Book and/or Extend your Featured Agent slots.
I want to cancel my active Featured Agent slot. Can I get a refund of my Prime Credits or change my Featured Agent slot?
No. You will be unable to get a refund of Prime Credits or make any changes to the type of Featured Agent slot upon confirmation. Your Featured Agent slot will continue to be booked to the end date of your selected duration.
With the increased flexibility of Featured Agent booking at a minimum of just 30 days, we advise that you select and curate your Featured Agent bookings according to your needs. You will be able to conveniently extend the duration of your booking accordingly as and when it supports your business demands.
Can I choose the activation date of my Featured Agent slot?
You will not be able to choose the activation date of your Featured Agent slot.
Any booked Featured Agent slot will start at 00:00hrs of the coming day. E.g., Agent A booked a Featured Agent slot on 03 Jan 2022, 15:30hrs. The booking will start on 04 Jan 2022, 00:00hrs.
For any reserved Featured Agent slot, the booking will start at 00:00hrs of the next earliest available slot up to 5 days ahead. The date will be automatically indicated when you are reserving a slot. E.g., Agent B reserved a Featured Agent slot on 03 Jan 2022, 15:30hrs. The next available slot is shown as 08 Jan 2022. The booking will start on 08 Jan 2022, 00:00hrs.
Refer here for more information on how to Book and Reserve a Featured Agent slot.
How can I check the status of my active Featured Agent bookings?
You can easily check the status of your active Featured Agent bookings on AgentNet Web or AgentNet Mobile App.
Click on the Featured Agent tab on the top navigation bar of your AgentNet Web dashboard or the Featured tab on AgentNet Mobile App dashboard
Click on the Active tab
What does “Active Agents” mean?
This is the total number of agents who have an active listing on the Project / Location.
What does “Active Listings” mean?
This is the total number of active listings in the Project / Location.
What does “Times Searched” mean?
This is the total number of times that the Project / Location has been searched on
I can’t find the WhatsApp contact button for my Turbo listing on the search results page?
The WhatsApp button has been replaced with a “Contact Agent” button – which displays three contact options for property seekers.

Related Articles:
How to Book, Reserve, and Extend a Featured Agent Slot