Listing Photo Suspension
Improving property seekers' experience with high quality photos
Do you have photos that has been flagged as ‘Suspended’?
It is likely that your photo(s) did not meet the requirements of our Quality Photo Guide.
Starting from 30 January 2019 (Wednesday), all newly uploaded listing photos will be vetted real-time by our A.I (artificial intelligence) and it’ll only allow photos that meet the requirement of our Quality Photos Guide will be successfully published.
Following on 25 March 2019 (Monday), all existing listing photos will be vetted and only photos that meet requirements will still be visible to property seekers – whilst the ones that fail, will be suspended.
Photos that fail requirements will be flagged with reasons detected, will not be published, and will require your attention:

What do you need to do if your photo has been ‘Suspended’?
Let’s re-evaluate each photos. The reason why your photo has been flagged as ‘Suspended’ and can’t be published is due to one or more of the following reasons:

What if PropertyGuru’s Artificial Intelligence has gotten it wrong?
Should you feel that your photo(s) has met the requirements of the Quality Photo Guide, you can request for us to review it. Read ‘How to lodge an appeal for suspended photos?’ to learn more.
If you should encounter a bug where your suspended photo doesn’t have the option to ‘Make an Appeal’ – please send us an email at, with your AgentNet login email and listing ID. Our Gurus will get back to you as soon as we can!