Secure a top spot for your commercial listing in search results for a week

Weekly Featured Listings (WFL) guarantees a top spot for your commercial listing in specific search results for a week, saving you the trouble of reposting your listing.

Your listing will be the first to be seen by property seekers searching for commercial properties in a specific property type, district, for sale and rent, as it’ll be ranked above all listings with a distinctive design.

Limited to 3 spots on the first page of search results, your listings will gather more enquiries while you take a break from monitoring your listing ranking closely.

Be the First to Be Seen by Property Seekers

1. Guaranteed Top Ranking Spot for a Specific Location

Available for booking by location, property type and listing type, your WFL will be pinned as one of the first three spots of a specific location in search results.

2. Distinctive Listing Tile Design

Your WFL will have these key features to boost its visibility in search results:

  • 1. FEATURED label on cover photo
  • 2. Larger search tile
  • 3. Large profile photo
  • 4. Image carousel
  • 5. Headline
  • 6. Direct contact

Have more questions on Weekly Featured Listings?

Contact our Customer Care at +65 6238 5971 or read our Help Articles for more information.